2017-18: Alignment to the Light
The increasing planetary alignment since 2000 allows an inflow of extra Light causing a turmoil of change in all spheres of human activity. And at the same time, this Light is also initiating a wave of rapid awakening within humanity. This Light has expanded as Humanity becomes more and more disenchanted by materialism, wars, and inequalities and as Humanity aspires toward a new world.
During the 2017-2018 annual astrological cycle, the 2025 Initiative will focus from an overall perspective on the theme of alignment to this emerging Light. We invite you to join the collective effort to support this expanding individual, group, and planetary alignment.
Here is a list of our online offerings this year:
Monthly webinars taking place during each Full Moon period:
In addition to the yearly focus on “Alignment to the Light”, we will also use the monthly Solar Festival webinars to highlight the importance of Goodwill as expressed through right human relations. We believe that the establishment of right human relations can eliminate divisions between individuals, groups and nations.
Monthly webinars at the New Moon periods:
The 2025 Initiative emphasizes the need for practical and skillful work in order to create material conditions for the outer expression of the soul nature. And we realize our collective responsibility to anchor and distribute Goodwill onto the physical plane. Thus we will continue to use the New Moon cyclic meditations to support and strengthen the thoughtforms of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a globally agreed upon framework for humanity’s evolutionary advancement.
We will continue the quarterly cycle of collective alignment with the planetary rhythms of solstices and equinoxes, seeking to strengthen our alignment with the Light of the “One Life”.
Throughout all the webinars, we will continue collective exploration of new ways to express the Ageless Wisdom with the intent of making it more available and magnetic for the new generations. We will encourage sharing on the practical ways to manifest spiritual inspiration through skillful action. We will be looking to emphasize the role of Beauty, Joy, Love, and Vitality in our lives and in the world.
The 2025 Initiative seeks, through the inputs of all participants and presenters, to support the New Group of World Servers in deepening collective understanding and actualization of the vision for this planet as held in Shamballa. Being united through our alignment, we share inspired ideas with those from many countries, thus contributing to the emergence of a Harmonic Unity of effort directed toward the resolution of the current world crisis and the preparation of the Way for the Reappearance of the Christ.