Aquarius Solar Festival webinar
"Living through the group journey:
from identical at-one-ness to direct communion"
with the Sydney Goodwill Unit (Australia).
In this webinar members of the Sydney Group outline the story of the group and provide insights into our exploration, experimentation and experience of the living reality of the group Life.

Sydney Goodwill is affiliated with World Goodwill as a “Unit of Service”, one of many throughout the world, formed by groups of people who respond to a shared vision to promote the establishment of right human relations. Our purpose is to prepare for the new civilisation emerging from the new consciousness. We encourage inter-group activity and assist in the emergence on our planet of the Plan for our time, with recognition of the oneness and interdependence of all life.
Sydney Goodwill has participated in the global world service network for over fifty years. We conduct meditation meetings at the time of the full moon each month in Sydney and publish a monthly newsletter that highlights the latest articles and videos, advertises meditation meetings and workshops on our website
Sydney Goodwill is a not-for-profit organisation that operates on New Age laws and principles and hence is supported solely by the generosity of financial contributors and volunteers.